VMware Updates

Warning Date
Severity Level
Warning Number
Target Sector
24 September, 2019
● High
VMware has released security updates to address vulnerabilities in the following products:
- VMware vSphere ESXi (ESXi)
- VMware Workstation Pro / Player (Workstation)
- VMware Fusion Pro / Fusion (Fusion)
- VMware Remote Console for Windows (VMRC for Windows)
- VMware Remote Console for Linux (VMRC for Linux)
- VMware Horizon Client for Windows, Linux, and Mac
Attacker could exploit these vulnerabilities by doing the following:
- Execute arbitrary code.
- Denial of service attack (DoS).
Best practice and Recommendations:
The CERT team encourages users to review VMware security advisory and apply the necessary updates: https://www.vmware.com/security/advisories/VMSA-2019-0014.html