Link Previews feature alert
3119Warning Date
Severity Level
Warning Number
Target Sector
27 October, 2020
● High
Several security and privacy issues caused by "Link Previews" feature in multiple social media and messaging apps.
What Is A Link Preview?
- A Link Preview is a visual review (including a brief description), of the link you type into the conversation.
- An attacker could exploit this feature by doing the following:
- Obtain the users' IP Addresses
- Execute arbitrary code
- Expose sensitive information
- Application crash
Best practice and Recommendations:
- Dont's send any link that contains sensitive information in your social media accounts or any messaging apps.
- Active the end-to-end encryption feature if the application provided it.
- Signal messaging app allows users to disable this feature by doing the following:
- Settings
- Privacy
- Disable "Generate link previews"