Weekly Vulnerabilities Summary 28 January - 3 February

Warning Date
Severity Level
Warning Number
Target Sector
11 February, 2024
● Critical
We provide the weekly summary of published vulnerabilities by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) National Vulnerability Database (NVD) for the week from 23rd of January to 3rd of February. Vulnerabilities are scored using the Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) standard as per the following severity:
- Critical: CVSS base score of 9.0-10.0
- High: CVSS base score of 7.0-8.9
- Medium: CVSS base score 4.0-6.9
- Low: CVSS base score 0.0-3.9
To view the weekly summary click here.
The document contains multiple threats for each of the listed vulnerabilities.
Best practice and Recommendations:
We provide the vulnerability information as published by NIST’s NVD. In addition, it is the entity’s or individual’s responsibility to ensure the implementation of appropriate recommendations.